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CrossFit T1 Ambassadors

Commitment To Our Community


Our Ambassadors are our frontline in the gym. They act as a buffer for new athletes who have either graduated our starter program, or who are just beginning their fitness journey with T1 CrossFit. Take some time to learn just a bit more about each one of our amazing ambassadors!


Terri Durphy

Terri Durphy - Ambassador

1. What is your favorite thing to do in Montgomery County/Philadelphia area?

Don’t have “one favorite” thing but I will say from a “fitness perspective”, I enjoy the many walking trails and places to walk. I enjoy walking PowerLine in Horsham or going to Masons Mill Park, Alvelthrope…but most of all I just walk out my front door and go. I like to take in the sights, see families working together in their yards, check out landscaping ideas…and get in some great active recovery!

2. What is your favorite thing about T1?

For me, it’s the community. 10 years this coming September is why I stay. I have met so many wonderful people from different walks of life who I would have never met if I wasn’t a part of this community. I’ve met lifelong friends and individuals who are now my “Framily”. On another note, it’s the place that has not only given me physical strength but cultivates mental toughness. I have learned so much about myself in the last 10 years about taking on life challenges outside the gym from roughing it out through challenging workouts. For that alone…I’m grateful to T1.

3. What is one fitness goal you have in the coming year?

A current goal is to improve my time on metered runs and rows. Always has been a challenge for me…not looking to run like a gazelle but maybe be a fast hamster to keep up with class would be great!
4. If a workout was named after you, it would definitely have what
movement? Why?

This is a tough one…but I’ll say “Double Unders”.  Like in life, you have to work hard to conquer obstacles and mastering dubs took a lot of time and patience. And once you got them it’s great but they aren’t always smooth, like life, so you take a deep breath and start again. Like in life..hit a roadblock, take a deep breath and just start jumping.

Michael Bantner

Michael Bantner - Ambassador

1. What is your favorite thing to do in Montgomery county/Philadelphia area?   Phillies games and visiting the multitude of historical sites and museums in the area.  I love history.
2. What is your favorite thing about T1? The people.  I have always received nothing but love, support, encouragement and teamwork from everyone who is a T1 member.  Everyone has always been great to me and made me feel like I am part of a family.  Hands down, this is the greatest community of people I have ever socialized with.  No bullshit.

3. What is one fitness goal you have in the coming year?  I want to lose 20 pounds.  If that does not classify as a fitness goal (if you mean a movement) then I want to be able to do double unders.

4. If a workout was named after you, it would definitely have what movement? Why? Tough one.  I am not known for my CrossFit prowess. I would say a push press, because it is my favorite movement and I seem to incorporate it (incorrectly I must add) into every overhead movement.

Michelle Hopping

Michelle Hopping - Ambassador

1. What is your favorite thing to do in Montgomery county/Philadelphia area?
You might find me at Bills Best Brewery in Glenside, browsing thrift stores, digging into community life at our church (New Life Dresher) or hanging out with friends around our firepit.
2. What is your favorite thing about T1?
Just showing up to T1 consistently has given me so much. T1’s kids and teens classes have been key to my kids being introduced to weight training and CF movements decades earlier in life than I was.
3. What is one fitness goal you have in the coming year?
Stringing together double unders more consistently.
4. If a workout was named after you, it would definitely have what
movement? Why?
Deadlifts because I love efficiency and they work the whole body.

Kristen Vescio

Kristen Vescio - Ambassador

1. Favorite thing in the area?
I’m a mom to 3 young boys, so anything that keeps them active and engaged. Alverthorpe Park, Elmwood Park Zoo, and Sesame Place are some of our favorite spots.
2. Favorite thing about T1:
The 5:30AM class and coaches!
3. Fitness Goal – To just keep moving my body.
4. What would workout have in it, if named after you – Definitely double unders, love me some double unders!

Floyd Lebron

Floyd Lebron - Ambassador

1. My favorite thing to do is try different restaurants, go to outdoor events, visit new places!
2. My favorite thing about T1 is the support everyone gives each other. No matter if you are a beginner or have been doing CrossFit a long time the T1 community encourages you to do your best and everyone is safe and having fun!
3. I have lost over 50lbs this year so My fitness goal for this year is to get stronger! I have lost the fat now is time to build the muscle!
4. If a workout was named after me the movement that would be included would be the clean and jerk! This movement makes you use your lower and upper body strength! It’s a full workout in one movement.

Chris Pomrink

Chris Pomrink - Ambassador

1. My favorite thing to do in the area is trying all of the different restaurants. Some of my favorite nearby are ooka and the dim sum factory.
2. Favorite thing about T1 is the community and that I can leave at 11:50 and still be on time to the 12.
3. Fitness goal: finally get double unders and also do an rx murph
4. It’s hard to pick one movement. Would definitely have power cleans and running though. The reason why is that I practice those the most on my own.

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